Tuesday, May 25, 2010

绑匪 Kidnapper




《绑匪》讲述一名无视一切困难、感动天地的父亲营救他那被绑架的孩子的故事。林(李铭顺饰)是一个困苦及潦倒的四十岁德士 司机。他的老婆在多年前离开了他,从此,他就和儿子伟祥相依为命。因为一场误会,伟祥被误以为是富家子弟,在商场中被绑架,绑匪还要求了一笔庞大的赎金。 就这样,开始了一场潦倒父亲欲赎回亲生儿子的悲剧。

撇开贺岁片《大日子》阿炳不说,这是我看过林德荣第一部正正经经的电影。竖起拇指头,赞!这位原本口操广东话的DJ,到如今能够说出一口流利的华语,现在更把精湛的演技发挥得淋漓尽致,真是五体投地。本来对他的印象平平,并没有特别喜欢。现在体会到了看过片子的人都说“林德荣很恐怖!”、 “林德荣很乞人憎!”,真的没错!可见他有多入戏。一踏出电影院,我第一句话就:“很讨厌林德荣!以后都不听MyFM了!”







p/s: 这几天早上,还是在听MyFM阳光灿烂。

[部份图文载自http://www.5g.my /new/biztv/?q=node%2F3920; http://www.a-magazine.com.my/?action-viewthread-tid-2211; http://ram-ent.com.my/movieKidnapper.html; http://oneaonezero.blogspot.com/2010/04/kidnapper.html]

Monday, May 10, 2010

Happy Mothers' Day

Happy mothers' day~
Specially dedicated to my mum, of course... And not forgetting my grandma...

And the best mothers' day present from dear to his family.

So proud of you dear. My support will always be with you and keep up the good work!

Friday, May 7, 2010

What? Mountain Dew glow in the dark?

We tried this at home last night. Sad to say that it didn't glow at all. Anyone else wanna give a try? And please share your result with me. ;)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Spaghetti Farm @ MidValley Megamall

Surprised to see I talked about food but without any photos? Yeap, I didn't take any. You'll know why shortly. Anyway you probably can google its photos easily, or simply visit to their website here.

The Spaghetti Farm, at the LG floor of MidValley Megamall. Somewhere near Kenny Roger Roasters, and next to C-Jade Express. Szee was so interested in it since its opening but until recently only we paid our first visit.

Glanced at the menu, the price seemed to be reasonable, for a spaghetti restaurant in MidValley. We ordered 2 spaghetti, plus RM3.20 for a soup(choice of 4; mushroom, chicken, asparagus and tomato; we picked mushroom) and a carbonated drinks.

My personal review of the food that we had:
Mushroom soup: Very instant-soup-tasted. For both of us who actually can make mushroom soup from all fresh ingredients, okay maybe we expected too much from a fast food restaurant.
Fishfarm spaghetti(prawns and peas) RM11.80: Texture of the prawns was kinda weird. Nothing special about its sauce, it was just like diluted ketchup. Okay maybe we expected too much from a fast food restaurant.
Farmhouse(beef and cheese) RM8.80: Cheesy sauce at the bottom and bolognese sauce on top. The cheesy sauce was not creamy but watery, and flavour of the cheese was not rich. After mixing the sauces, the pasta was so gamy. Perhaps some would enjoy the gamy taste of the beef but I wasn't.

The meal costs us almost RM25. It wasn't really cheap for such quality of food. We walked out from the restaurant with a conclusion: Other than first-timers who want to explore new places, those who intend to walk into that place for the second time are probably unable to make themselves a simple spaghetti. ;p

Okay maybe we expected too much. It's just a fast food restaurant. So that would be our first and only visit to The Spaghetti Farm.